Jessica Calder, Pickaway County Banking Center, Chair
April Metzger, Pickaway County Commissioners, Vice Chair of Programs
Allen Roberts, Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging, Vice Chair of Finance
Krista Bower, Executive Director
Katharine Blades, Blades Pizza & Realtor
Gabrielle Cahill, Health Care Logistics
Bryan Downs, Downs Powerwash
Carrie Fife, Pickaway Ross Career and Technical Center
John Lambert, Atomic Credit Union
Matthew Majzun, D.O, OhioHealth Berger Hospital
Sarah Mercer, Northwest Title Family of Companies
Nicole Mitchell, Manchester Hill Winery & Vineyard
Brandy Phifer, Anderson Insurance
Cristy Stewart, Ohio Means Jobs, Pickaway County

Jessica Calder
Pickaway County Banking Center, Chair

April Metzger
Pickaway County Commissioners, Vice Chair of Programs

John Lambert
Atomic Credit Union

Gabrielle Cahill
Health Care Logistics

Carrie Fife
Pickaway Ross Career and Technical Center

Sarah Mercer
Northwest Title Family of Companies

Brandy Phifer
Anderson Insurance

Krista Bower
Pickaway County Chamber of Commerce

Allen Roberts
Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging

Cristy Stewart
Ohio Means Jobs Pickaway County